Monday, 19 March 2012

Earl Grey in a cup that makes you smile. What's better?

Not updated in a while due to being extremely busy with uni and life! Not a free moment after my classes in economics, technical translation as well as a bit of comparative law thrown in for fun! I am working on a project for my home university too and have had my friends visiting at weekends... In fact I have friends visiting most weekends in the future so I'm on tour guide duty for the next few months at least!

I've settled in well, apart from a disasterous/hilarious trip to the bank in which I burst into tears for a good 20 minutes, it was one of those moments where, after a difficult week and feeling a strange sort of culture shock, one small thing pushed me over the edge. Dreading the day I have to go back and they remember me as the crazy emotional English girl. Oh well, could be worse, as Paulo Coelho says "don't hide your sadness, it's bad for your health and you have the right to be sad".


  1. Love that quote! Really like the new look of your blog too. x

  2. Aww!
    That's so cute! So inspiring.

    Come visit my blog, let me know how you like it
    and if you like my blog, can we follow each other on GFC?

  3. Aww that is so incredibly cute, glad your feeling better though!

  4. Aw, you poor thing! I know how you feel. Glad you're feeling better. :) x
